What does it mean to do something "Like a Girl", Like a girl social experiment

The next time you tell a man he's doing something #LikeAGirl you're paying him the greatest compliment of his life.

How many times growing up have you had to endure taunts that you are doing things 'like a girl'? For men it's supposed to be the worst insult, implying that their masculinity was somehow below par. This video will forever change the way you think the next time you tell a man he's doing something like a girl.

6 things that will ride your imagination

Watch this closely

These squares aren’t what you think

 It’s all about perspective

 If you concentrate, you can change the direction this train is traveling.

And it just keeps going

Don't forget to share with your friends

This advertisement isn't what you're thinking....

Don't forget to share with your friends, watch till end 

This is how to write a love letter in a professional manner...!!

Dearest Girl,

I am very happy to inform you that I have fallen in love with you since Monday, the 1st day of May.

With reference to the meeting held between us on the 9tt day of May at 9.30 hours, I would like to present myself as a prospective lover. Our love affair would be on probation for a period of three months and depending on compatibility would be made permanent. Of course, upon completion of probation, there will be continuous on-the-relationship training and relationship appraisal schemes leading up to promotion from lover to spouse.

The expenses incurred for coffee and entertainment would initially be shared equally between us. Later, based on your performance, I might take up a larger share of the expenses. However I am broad-minded enough, to be taken care of, on your expense account.

I request you to kindly respond within 7 days of receiving this letter, failing which, this offer would be treated as cancelled without further notice and I shall be considering some other girl. I would be happy, if you could forward this letter to your sister, if you do not wish to take up this offer.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely,

10 Disgusting Facts About Blood

Its really worst, if you have blood phobia don't watch, Human history have lot of unimaginable thinks here is 10 disgusting facts about blood.

Some add blood to meringue, some drunk by cruel countess, or pumped through a decapitated dogs head, even some one use for write, blood has been used in some pretty disgusting ways.

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A heart-warming story of a Pakistani boy - Little Terrorist - Short Film

A heart-warming story of  a Pakistani boy who accidentally crosses the mine-field strewn India Pakistan border. He finds himself stranded in a foreign country and branded a terrorist. this movie was nominated for an academy award in the Short Films Category in 2005 & win the audience award at the Almeira Short film festival in 2005.

The movie revolves around Jamal (played by Salim), a 10 year old Pakistani Muslim boy. While playing cricket near the Indo Pakistani border, the cricket ball is tossed over to the Indian side of the border separated by a fence.

Jamal crosses the fence to fetch the ball. He is however spotted by the Indian security forces and shot at. He hides in an Indian village where he is provided shelter by Bhola (Sushil Sharma), a devout Hindu Brahmin. Both Bhola and his niece, Rani (Megnaa Mehtta), are sceptical about allowing a Muslim boy in their home.

However, when the security forces come looking for Jamal in the village, he is protected by Bhola and Rani.

Jamal does manage to return to Pakistan in the end.
  1. Initial releaseAugust 29, 2004
  2. Running time15 minutes

CHILLING: CCTV Footage of Affluent Couple Dumping Girl Child in Trash

LEAKED CCTV footage of a Young Affluent Couple throwing away their girl child in a garbage dumpster and how a homeless man saves the baby and gets the couple arrested. We need more heroes like him. #SaveGirlChild

Female infanticide in India has a history spanning centuries. It is widely believed that the dowry system is one of the main reasons for female infanticide and sex-selective abortion as many families who live in poverty cannot afford to raise the funds for a suitable dowry.

However, the above video shatters all the existing prejudices about Female Infanticide as we clearly see a young couple who seem to belong to middle to upper income levels abandoning their girl child. In contrast, a poor and a homeless man spots the couple in the hideous act and saves the girl child.

In India, babies have been found abandoned in a variety of places: on road sides and in alleyways, outside temples and churches, in shopping malls and public bathrooms, and inside garbage cans.

India is the most dangerous place in the world to be born a girl.
From 2000-2010, there were 56 deaths among boys aged one-five for every 100 among girls (UN Report -- 2013).

The abandonment of babies is not just a third-world problem.
Although with less severity, developed nations -- such as the U.S., UK, and several European countries -- are also facing the issue.

Via: YTV Network

Most Controversial Magazine Covers Ever

Most Controversial Magazine Covers Ever from - News week, Time, Rolling Stone, Vanity fair & More

Time magazine, God is dead

This cover of Time magazine has been called as the most controversial of all the time as it was related with the article “god is dead”.

The breastfeeding mom, Time, 2012

This cover got a lot of buzz not just because of the female subject's exposed breast, but for the age of the child who's latched on to it.

Rolling Stone, Yoko Ono and John Lennon

This shot was just some hours before John Lennon was killed outside of his apartment in the Dakota, The New York City. According to the photographer, he wanted to take the short of Lennon alone but he insisted that his wife be in the pictures.

Smile Alarm : Do you smile when you wake up?

Kim Jingwoo create some thing different kind of gadget to wakeup you, 

Do you smile when you wake up? If not, then this alarm clock is going to be mighty nasty to you! The Smile Alarm Clock has face recognition sensors that turn off the alarm only if you give it a bright sunny smile; no half-smiles will do! What a positive way to begin your day….SMILE!

Author, Poet Maya Angelou Dies

Maya Angelou, the celebrated poet, writer and activist who rose from a childhood of poverty in Arkansas to become an American literary icon, died Wednesday morning at her home in Winston-Salem, N.C., at the age of 86.

Maya Angelou quotes

Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

I do not trust people who don't love themselves and yet tell me, 'I love you.' There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass.

The love of the family, the love of the person can heal. It heals the scars left by a larger society. A massive, powerful society.

Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.

Nothing will work unless you do.

It's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.

I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.

Google's next project : contact lens with camera

Google is working on developing a contact lens with camera and sensors in it. According to reports, the camera would enable users to take hands free pictures and help the blind navigate. Lens containing embedded sensors that can be controlled by just blinking your eyes.

Contact lens has sensors that can detect light, colour, face as well as specific objects. the device could help vision impaired people navigate by spotting that they are heading for a busy road and telling that person's smartphone to chirrup a warning as well as inform them when it's safe to cross, the wearable will be controlled by blinking and the lens will communicate to a smartphone or other devices wirelessly.

Google also working on a contact lens to help diabetics monitor their glucose levels by taking reading from moisture in users' eyes.


Read this 50 years up advise :  

WHERE YOUR LIFE STAND HERE ON EARTH (Translated from the Chinese). Because none of us have many years to live, and we can't take along anything when we go, so we don't have to be too thrifty... Spend the money that should be spent, enjoy what should be enjoyed, donate what you are able to donate, but don't leave all to your children or grandchildren, for you don't want them to become parasites who are waiting for the day you will die!! Don't worry about what will happen after we are gone, because when we return to dust, we will feel nothing about praises or criticisms. The time to enjoy the worldly life and your hard earned wealth will be over! Don't worry too much about your children, for children will have their own destiny and should find their own way. Don't be your children's slave. Care for them, love them, give them gifts but also enjoy your money while you can. Life should have more to it than working from the cradle to the grave!! Don't expect too much from your children. Caring children, though caring, would be too busy with their jobs and commitments to render much help. Uncaring children may fight over your assets even when you are still alive, and wish for your early demise so they can inherit your properties and wealth. Your children take for granted that they are rightful heirs to your wealth; but that you have no claims to their money. 50-year old like you, don't trade in your health for wealth by working yourself to an early grave anymore... Because your money may not be able to buy your health... When to stop making money, and how much is enough ( hundred thousands, million, ten million )? Out of thousand hectares of good farm land, you can consume only three quarts (of rice) daily; out of a thousand mansions, you only need eight square meters of space to rest at night. So, as long as you have enough food and enough money to spend, that is good enough. You should live happily. Every family has its own problems. Just do not compare with others for fame and social status and see whose children are doing better, etc., but challenge others for happiness, health, enjoyment, quality of life and longevity... Don't worry about things that you can't change because it doesn't help and it may spoil your health. You have to create your own well-being and find your own place of happiness. As long as you are in good mood and good health, think about happy things, do happy things daily and have fun in doing, then you will pass your time happily every day. One day passes without happiness, you will lose one day. One day passes with happiness, and then you gain one day. In good spirit, sickness will cure; in a happy spirit, sickness will cure faster; in high and happy spirits; sickness will never come. With good mood, suitable amount of exercise, always in the sun, variety of foods, reasonable amount of vitamin and mineral intake, hopefully you will live another 20 or 30 years of healthy life of pleasure. Above all, learn to cherish the goodness around... and FRIENDS... They all make you feel young and "wanted"... without them you are surely to feel lost!! Wishing you all the best. Please share this with all your friends who are 50 plus and those who will be 50 plus after some time.

This post sent by : Kamalesh Gowda

Now you can send your articles @ dropsfromocean.in@gmail.com

Lets imagine a world WITHOUT MUSLIMS

(Someone posted this picture and another person wrote this awesome response)
Yes, lets imagine a world WITHOUT MUSLIMS, shall we? Without Muslims you wouldn't have:

- Coffee
- Cameras
- Experimental Physics
- Chess
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Perfume/spirits
- Irrigation
- Crank-shaft, internal combustion engine, valves, pistons
- Combination locks
- Architectural innovation (pointed arch -European Gothic cathedrals adopted this technique as it made the building much stronger, rose windows, dome buildings, round towers, etc.)
- Surgical instruments
- Anesthesia
- Windmill
- Treatment of Cowpox
- Fountain pen
- Numbering system
- Algebra/Trigonometry
- Modern Cryptology
- Crystal glasses
- Carpets
- Checks
- University
- Optics
- Toothbrush
- Hospitals
- Bathing
- Quilting
- Mariner’s Compass
- Soft drinks
- Pendulum
- Braille
- Cosmetics
- Plastic surgery
- Calligraphy
- Manufacturing of paper and cloth

It was a Muslim who realized that light ENTERS our eyes, unlike the Greeks who thought we EMITTED rays, and so invented a camera from this discovery.
It was a Muslim who first tried to FLY in 852, even though it is the Wright Brothers who have taken the credit.

It was a Muslim by the name of Jabir ibn Hayyan who was known as the founder of modern Chemistry. He transformed alchemy into chemistry. He invented: distillation, purification, oxidation, evaporation, and filtration. He also discovered sulfuric and nitric acid.

It is a Muslim, by the name of Al-Jazari who is known as the father of robotics.

It was a Muslim who was the architect for Henry V’s castle.

It was a Muslim who invented hollow needles to suck cataracts from eyes, a technique still used today.

It was a Muslim who actually discovered inoculation, not Jenner and Pasteur to treat cowpox. The West just brought it over from Turkey

It was Muslims who contributed much to mathematics like Algebra and Trigonometry, which was imported over to Europe 300 years later to Fibonnaci and the rest.

It was Muslims who discovered that the Earth was round 500 years before Galileo did.
The list goes on and on..
Just imagine a world without Muslims.

Now I think you probably meant, JUST IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT TERRORISTS.
And then I would agree, the world would definitely be a better place without those pieces of filth. But to hold a whole group responsible for the actions of a few is ignorant and racist. No one would ever expect Christians or White people to be held responsible for the acts of Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma bombing) or Andreas Brevik (Norway killing), or the gun man that shot Congresswoman Giffords in head, wounded 12 and killed 6 people, and rightly so because they had nothing to do with those incidents! Just like the rest of the 1.5 billion Muslims have nothing to do with this incident!

Gorgeous photo of a cardinal fish

Male cardinalfish are mouthbrooders - they carry their eggs in their mouths for several weeks, protecting them from predators until they hatch. unable even to eat until they have hatched.

Normally the female will release an egg mass close to the chosen male and after the male fertilises the eggs, he will take them into his mouth to carry them during the incubation period, until the fry are ready to hatch. As he incubates the eggs the male Cardinal Fish will open its mouth to rotate the egg mass from time to time, to keep them clean and aerated.

Harsha Bhogle describes the spectacular arrival of fast-paced 20-20 cricket as it parallels the rise of modern India

The tale of a major global cultural phenomenon: Cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle describes the spectacular arrival of fast-paced 20-20 cricket as it parallels the rise of modern India. He traces the game from its sleepy English roots to the current world of celebrity owners and million-dollar player contracts.

Source: ted

Rain room : leaving you completely dry

Rain room : leaving you completely dry

Rain room built by the British design studio rAndom International  at Barbican, London. Hundreds of gallons of water pouring from an artificial ceiling. Finally, after your eyes adjust to the darkness, you actually see it a 1,000-square-foot space that’s in a state of perpetual downpour.

     The water pouring from the ceiling shivvers to avoid you as you move through the room, leaving you completely dry. The sensation of walking through a wall of water and staying dry is uncanny—and watching how people react is part of the fun. “Rain Room [pushes] people outside their comfort zones, extracting their base auto-responses and playing with intuition,” explain its creators, Thanks to eight motion sensors installed above the space.

Credit: Gizmado

A 17 Year Old Russian Girl Has a Doll-like Face but Physique of a Body Builder.

     Yulia Viktorovna Vins, or Julia Vins, as she is known in the online bodybuilding and powerlifting communities, is a 17-year old Russian powerlifter who recently shot to Internet fame after a series of photos showing her doll-like face and impressive physique went viral.

        Julia Vins was born 21 May, 1996 in the city of Engels, Russia. One day the gorgeous girl felt she had to protect herself to feel confident, and she enthusiastically started visiting the gym. Julia has been engaged in powerlifting since September 2012. "Initially, I set a goal to become stronger, because I have absolutely no confidence in myself. At first, I just went to the gym, for a year worked without a program, and in September 2012 I had the opportunity to engage in powerlifting, and this year was fruitful enough, in terms of sporting achievement. I started going to the gym at my new school. There was only coach in powerlifting and kettlebell lifting. I did not like kettlebell lifting, because I wanted to harmoniously developed body"

Although she has her share of admirers, Julia Vins admits there are those who criticize her choice and tell her she is ruining her body. Lately she has been trying to ignore such comments. She feels it’s her life, her body and she hates it when others try to impose their opinions on her. “There will always be people who respect my choice, or simply adequately explain why they don’t agree with it, but there is nothing to be gained by trying to defame someone who is following their dream,” the young athlete says. Her friends have always been very supportive, and some have even followed her example and joined her at the gym..

Beware of your Facebook dating, in India Facebook dating turn bloody

Vineet Singh shot dead Jyoti Kori next to a picturesque setting of a waterfall on Friday after he found out that his virtual 21-year-old girlfriend was actually a 45-year-old mother of three from Jabalpur. 

The situation came to light a blood soaked Singh asked for help from people picnicking on the site.

SP Jabalpur Harinarayanachari Mishra said the two were in touch for little less than three years. Singh was jobless and Jyoti Kori was apparently the bored housewife who regularly chatted on facebook. Jyoti's husband, a clerk in irrigation department, was too trusting and all three children including her 21-year-old eldest daughter had no clue what their mother was upto. 

It seemed like murder prompted by extreme hurt, frustration and anger, said Mishra. According to sources, Singh kept repeating that he was cheated by a married woman when he was brought to hospital. "She kept me in dark all along," he said. 

Jyoti had put up a picture of a cine actress as her profile picture so Singh had no means of knowing the truth. They finally fixed a date at marble rocks on Friday. Jyoti told her family she was off for two days to her mother's home and the boy told his parents he was going to Delhi in search of a job. The woman left home on Thursday went to her parental home but left early in the morning.

Source: TOI

Awesome cotton candy art

cotton candy flowers from China are almost too beautiful to eat and you won’t believe how they’re made! watch the video.

Google Glass goes on sale in US today

Google Glass goes on sale in US today

Starting today, Google will sell the "Explorer" version of Google Glass to any US resident who places an online order for the device. To everyone outside the US, Google has apologized in a post on their Plus social network with a "Sorry, we're just not ready yet to bring Glass to other countries".

The internet-connected eyewear will still cost $1,500, the same price that Google has charged for it since sales of the device began last year.

Nokia X hacked to run key Android apps; gets backing from Nokia

Nokia X hacked to run key Android apps; gets backing from Nokia

The Nokia X line of smartphones run a heavily modified version of Google Android with Nokia’s own app store and user interface and a mix of Nokia and Microsoft apps and services instead of Google’s. But under the hood it’s running the same Android code as millions of other phones and tablets,

you can now root the Nokia X and install the Google Play Store and other Google apps and services. That lets you use the official Gmail, Google Maps, and YouTube apps, for instance. You can also replace the tile-based Nokia home screen with a more Android-like launcher.
how bed bugs suck your blood

how bed bugs suck your blood

This professional video gives close-up footage and describes the characteristics of bed bugs. Video shows how bed bugs suck your blood. The video could be used with a lesson about symbiosis and parasites.

jacket made by bacteria

jacket made by bacteria

This jacket was made by a company called BioCouture, using a symbiotic mix of yeast and bacteria. These living creatures produce bacterial cellulose, which is kind of like a vegetable leather. The clothing is 100% compostable, which means when you're done with it, you can throw it on the compost heap and it'll release nutrients into the soil just like your vegetable scraps.

Watch at once, because who is perfect

Watch at once, because who is perfect

This video is SO powerful. We are all amazing people. Disabled mannequins will be eliciting astonished looks from passers-by on Zurich’s Bahnhofstrasse today. Between the perfect mannequins, there will be figures with scoliosis or brittle bone disease modelling the latest fashions. One will have shortened limbs; the other a malformed spine. The campaign has been devised for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by Pro Infirmis, an organisation for the disabled. Entitled “Because who is perfect? Get closer.”, it is designed to provoke reflection on the acceptance of people with disabilities. Director Alain Gsponer has captured the campaign as a short film. PleaseSHARE with friends and family. This is such a great message.


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