Beware of your Facebook dating, in India Facebook dating turn bloody

Vineet Singh shot dead Jyoti Kori next to a picturesque setting of a waterfall on Friday after he found out that his virtual 21-year-old girlfriend was actually a 45-year-old mother of three from Jabalpur. 

The situation came to light a blood soaked Singh asked for help from people picnicking on the site.

SP Jabalpur Harinarayanachari Mishra said the two were in touch for little less than three years. Singh was jobless and Jyoti Kori was apparently the bored housewife who regularly chatted on facebook. Jyoti's husband, a clerk in irrigation department, was too trusting and all three children including her 21-year-old eldest daughter had no clue what their mother was upto. 

It seemed like murder prompted by extreme hurt, frustration and anger, said Mishra. According to sources, Singh kept repeating that he was cheated by a married woman when he was brought to hospital. "She kept me in dark all along," he said. 

Jyoti had put up a picture of a cine actress as her profile picture so Singh had no means of knowing the truth. They finally fixed a date at marble rocks on Friday. Jyoti told her family she was off for two days to her mother's home and the boy told his parents he was going to Delhi in search of a job. The woman left home on Thursday went to her parental home but left early in the morning.

Source: TOI

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