iOS users outspent shoppers on Android 5 to 1 this Christmas Day: IBM

iOS users outspent shoppers on Android 5 to 1 this Christmas Day: IBM

iOS device users were more prolific online shoppers in the US on Christmas Day, compared to their Android device counterparts, reveals a report by IBM.
IBM has shared the online shopping trends for December 25, Christmas Day in the US via its IBM digital analytics benchmark, revealing some interesting statistics related to Apple and Androidplatforms, apart from mobile and tablet shopping as a whole. According to IBM, raw data was analysed from approximately 800 retail sites across the US.
As per IBM, out of the total online sales in the US in the Christmas period, iOS accounted for five times the traffic of Android, driving 23 percent of total online sales traffic when compared to Android's 4.6 percent. The report also reveals that on average, iOS users spent $93.94 per purchase order, while Android users spent $48.10 per order, almost half.

Source: ndtv, image: pioneeravhp4300dvd

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