CHILLING: CCTV Footage of Affluent Couple Dumping Girl Child in Trash

LEAKED CCTV footage of a Young Affluent Couple throwing away their girl child in a garbage dumpster and how a homeless man saves the baby and gets the couple arrested. We need more heroes like him. #SaveGirlChild

Female infanticide in India has a history spanning centuries. It is widely believed that the dowry system is one of the main reasons for female infanticide and sex-selective abortion as many families who live in poverty cannot afford to raise the funds for a suitable dowry.

However, the above video shatters all the existing prejudices about Female Infanticide as we clearly see a young couple who seem to belong to middle to upper income levels abandoning their girl child. In contrast, a poor and a homeless man spots the couple in the hideous act and saves the girl child.

In India, babies have been found abandoned in a variety of places: on road sides and in alleyways, outside temples and churches, in shopping malls and public bathrooms, and inside garbage cans.

India is the most dangerous place in the world to be born a girl.
From 2000-2010, there were 56 deaths among boys aged one-five for every 100 among girls (UN Report -- 2013).

The abandonment of babies is not just a third-world problem.
Although with less severity, developed nations -- such as the U.S., UK, and several European countries -- are also facing the issue.

Via: YTV Network

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