Go Fish

           If you suffer from dry eyes, up your seafood intake. Salmon, sardines, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids, which the body uses to produce tears, among other things. Research suggests that people who consume higher amounts of these fats are less likely to have dry eyes.
When 'Charlie Chaplin' met 'Einstein'

When 'Charlie Chaplin' met 'Einstein'

When 'Charlie Chaplin' met 'Einstein' 

he said: They applaud me because everybody understands me. 

They applaud you because no one understands you......!!!

Caught on camera: Woman commuter harassed in Namma Metro

"The men threatened me in front of Metro security guards and officials."

BANGALORE: A cry for help ignored by staff whose task it is to ensure the safety and security of commuters. That is precisely what CCTV footage of the incident of a college girl being harassed by a gang of youth on a Metro train on October 12 shows.

"The men threatened me in front of Metro security guards and officials," said Prakriti Sharma, the victim in the incident. "I was shocked when the officials, instead of castigating the lewd youth, were only bothered about pacifying them and asking us not to make an issue of it. They later suggested I go to the police. I have given a written complaint to Metro officials as well." In their statement to the police on what transpired in the control room, the security staff of Byapanahalli Metro station corroborated the student's version that the goons did threaten her in front of them. In spite of it, the Metro officials did not summon the police.

That apart, footage of the incident obtained on Thursday clearly shows Prakriti and Veenu Albert, a good Samaritan who stood by Prakriti through her trauma, beckoning a Metro security guard for help, when the train stops at Vivekananda Road Station, but the guard refuses to help out. Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd ( BMRCL) spokesperson, BLY Chavan, had told BM on Monday, by way of atoning for the inaction of the guard, that he "cannot leave the place where he has been deployed". If ever there was a blinkered approach, this is it. The duty of the guards, it appears, is solely to blow a shrill whistle every time a commuter crosses a yellow line on the platform. The women were left to weather the harassment the best they could.

When the two women— a heart-wrenching footage in which Prakriti is tightly holding on to the arm of Veenu — alight from the train at Byappanahalli station, Veenu again enlists the help of Metro staff. One of them refuses to help, pointing vaguely in the direction of an office, but another comes forward. This official then stops the youth, who are about to step on to the escalator. The four youth, the two women and the Metro official then get into an argument.

The boys are taken to the control room. Another 45-minute argument ensues, but Metro staff make no move to call the police. Police too sat on Pakriti's complaint for 10 days, but they are now the trail of the youth.

Continue reading : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bangalore/Caught-on-camera-Woman-commuter-harassed-in-Namma-Metro/articleshow/24755083.cms?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=referral

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Author - Arthur Conan Doyle
Country - United Kingdom
Language - English
Series - Sherlock Holmes
Genre - Detective fiction short stories
Characters - Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson, Professor Moriarty, Irene Adler, Mycroft Holmes, Inspector Lestrade, Sebastian Moran
Number of Pages - 336 Pages

Available on - Google play, Hard copy and PDF format.

Price: Flipkart-Rs.250, Landmark-Rs.242, Bookadda-Rs.217

  A "Sherlock "tie-in edition of Conan Doyle's first collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, with an introduction by show cocreator Mark Gatiss

          In this new edition of Conan Doyle's first collection of short stories, Mark Gatiss explains how these gripping tales inspired and influenced the new series. This collection contains 12 short stories first published in the" Strand" magazine between 1891 and 1892, and then published as a collection in October 1892. It includes some of Conan Doyle's best tales of murder and mystery, such as "The Adventures of the Speckled Band," in which the strange last words of a dying woman "It was the band, the speckled band " and an inexplicable whistling in the night are the only clues Sherlock Holmes has to prevent another murder; and "The Five Orange Pips," in which an untimely death and the discovery of the letter containing five orange pips lead to a cross-Atlantic conspiracy.

The Next Google: It's Like Google, But For Search

It is no longer appropriate for search to be under the thumb of private industry. It's a critical part of the national infrastructure. So if I were a real pinko, I'd be advocating for the nationalization of Google, à la Chavez—but I'm not a real pinko. Besides, the American people have already bought and paid for an ideal alternative to Google. That's right: we have the means in hand to create a public, ad-free, totally fair and reasonably transparent search engine with a legal mandate to operate in the public interest, and most of the work is already done. We have also a huge staff of engineers to conclude what little remains on the development and deployment side.
Who are these American heroes, soon to be accepting the thanks of a grateful nation? Why, our fellow citizens, the software engineers and tech gurus and endless numbers of contractors of the NSA! Why don't they make themselves useful and stop spying on everyone and instead, use all that computing power and archived information to make us a fair, fast, ad-free search engine?
They have a copy of the whole Internet, soon to be housed in their giant bunker in Utah!
It is already, apparently, equipped with the latest in search technology! It's probably already better than Google.

How a Starbucks Latte Shows China Doesn’t Understand Capitalism

Criticism of the prices charged Chinese consumers by international companies is an unseemly interference in the free market
It will come as no surprise that some Chinese believe Starbucks coffee is a bit too expensive. After all, we do pay a pretty penny for a cup of water and milk. But are Starbucks’ prices something bordering on criminal? Chinese state media seems to think so. In a series of attacks, the press has accused Starbucks of overcharging Chinese with “outrageous” prices compared to those paid by consumers in the U.S. and elsewhere.
(People line up to buy coffee during a Starbucks Coffee shop opening ceremony on Mar. 1, 2013 in Taiyuan, China)
The coffee-shop chain, however, is only the latest victim of an apparent campaign aimed at forcing down the prices of foreign goods in China. The government is investigating the price tags on foreign automobiles, while in August several foreign companies were fined for supposedly selling their milk powder at unfairly high prices. Nestle and Danone pledged to slash their prices amid the enquiry.
What gives? We can only speculate as to the government’s intentions. Perhaps officials are trying to uncover real infractions, or what they think are real infractions. Or perhaps the campaign is an attempt to beat back foreign brands and give China’s own companies a leg up in the local market.
Foreign brands are favored by Chinese consumers in many industries, since there is a perception they are of higher quality. In milk powder, for instance, foreign labels have had a huge advantage ever since local brands were tainted by a 2008 scandal in which they sickened children with milk contaminated by a chemical. Perhaps the government is irritated that foreign firms are making some juicy profits off Chinese consumers.

Read more: http://business.time.com/2013/10/24/how-a-starbucks-latte-shows-china-doesnt-understand-capitalism/#ixzz2ijE7Pzmy

Mukesh Ambani forays into chicken business, to take on KFC

Mukesh Ambani-controlled Reliance Industries plans to run an exclusive chicken restaurant chain in India in partnership with a UK-based company as he seeks a bite of the quick service restaurant (QSR) pie, which is pegged to grow at 30% per annum. Given that Ambani is a strict vegetarian, it is a clear sign that business decisions can be separated from an individual's dietary and lifestyle choices.
- Times Of India

Metta and the practical limits of self-immolation

      The mummified body of a monk who performed Sokushinbutsu, a type of slow and painful ritual self-mummification / suicide once practiced in Japan as a path to Buddha-hood. Fasting to death for spiritual reasons is still quite common in Jainism, where it known as 'Santhara', it is arguable that the middle-way emphasis in the pali suttas was a reaction to the extreme practices of the Jain contemporaries of Siddharta.

I am not bringing this up to disparage these spiritual practices, but rather because developing such an understanding of the limits of self-immolation within life has been important to me in order to develop 'metta'. No not the warm fuzzy feeling in the chest type of meta but more like a bemused empathy towards others. And also because there is some debate in the practical dharma scene about the nature of 'true' enlightenment and self-immolation.

A common thread running through virtually all discussions of enlightenment in virtually all different traditions is the loss of the normative sense of self identification.

Every stage of further self-relinquishment, past the preliminary dark night struggles, makes one's experience of life progressively more peaceful and more content.

Even ordinary folk who do not practice systematic deconstruction of the self via mental exercises or engage in spirituality, who go through the average process of human maturity will notice that subliming the self for a larger cause or passion results in a reduction in personal suffering.

Those of us engaged in the pursuit of enlightenment, seek to explore the limits of such self-relinquishment through vigorous and systematic means.

One might experience the temporary ceasing of experience during a fruition.

One might experience the loosening of the self as seen on subsequent paths under Vipassana practices.

One might further experience the perpetually nascent, ahedonisticaly perceptual, and verbal thought based self of the successful AF practitioner.

One might experience the emotional agony, fear, affective possessiveness of the untrained mind.

One might experience the ongoing bliss of the fading of the senses themselves while staying alive (see Bernedette Roberts' ascension phase).

One might experience infinite number of different states of consciousness.

However through all of this 'one' still remains. At the limits of self-relinquishment it becomes evident that total self-immolation is impossible in life, but inevitable in death. By no means am I advocating suicide as a means of enlightenment. Suicide is redundant. Death is always a certainty. Life never is.

The point is that it cannot be said that one mode of perception in life is objectively preferable to the others. Subjectively of-course there will always be preferences, but these aren't a big deal. And shouldn't be treated as such.


Admirer: Herr Mozart, I am thinking of writing symphonies, Can you give me any suggestions as to how to get started?

Mozart: A symphony is a very complex musical form. perhaps you should begin with some simple lieder and work your way up to a symphony.

Admirer: But Herr Mozart, you were writing symphonies when you were 8 years old.

Mozart: Yes, but I never asked anybody how.

Facebook services restored for many, Internet rejoices

After almost two hours of limited services, Facebook seems to up and working again.

Well, it's over. After about two hours of issues, Facebook seems to have resumed services for the most part, although some of our readers are still reporting problems. For the preceding two hours, Facebook users were unable to update new posts or like anything new. On account of no activity, the news ticker on the right side of the Newsfeed had also disappeared. The social networking giant has yet to reveal why this significant down-time occurred although, it seems that the Facebook team might be busy right now trying to services fully working for all of you who are still suffering.

Source: http://www.thinkdigit.com/Internet/Facebook-services-restored-for-many-Internet-rejoices_18070.html



Alone I can "SAY", 

But together we can "Talk".

Alone I can "SMILE",

But together we can "LAUGH". 

Alone I can "ENJOY", 

But together we can "CELEBRATE".

That's the Beauty of RELATIONS... 

We Humans are Nothing without Each other...


Life is a compromise between your feelings and reality.

At every stage you have to quit your feelings & accept the reality..

Rs. 10 Note with Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Printed Rs. 10 Note with Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's head on it, which the Indian government has closed since 1948.

wildlife bridge in Netherland

This is a wildlife bridge in the Netherlands. Wildlife bridges are designed to help animals cross busy highways in safety. They don't just protect wildlife from being hit by cars - they also connect fragmented habitats and help populations intermingle and breed. 

The Netherlands is leading the way in designing these bridges. The country is home to more than 600 similar crossings.

Successful people never blame

Only failure gives excuse

To all of my crackpot friends

To all of my crackpot friends

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."

The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?" "That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them." "For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

So, to all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!
Divorce after 35 years !! Very nice story

Divorce after 35 years !! Very nice story

No man / woman is busy in this world

An elderly man in Mumbai calls his son in New York and says,
'I hate to ruin your day son, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are getting a divorce; 35 years of marriage... and that much misery is enough!'
'Dad, what are you talking about?' the son screams.
'We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,' the old man says.
'We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Hong Kong and tell her!'
Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.
'Like heck they're getting divorced,' she shouts, 'I'll take care of this.'
She calls Mumbai immediately, and screams at the old man, 'You are not getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then , don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR??' and she hangs up.
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. 'Okay', he says, 'It's all set. They're both coming for our anniversary and paying their own airfare!!'

No man / woman is busy in this world all 365 days.
The sky is not going to fall down if
you take few days LEAVE and meet your dear ones.
OFFICE WORK or MONEY MAKING is not everything in life !!!!

Share the above story in all groups.
THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1492 > Columbus reaches the New World.

THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1492 > Columbus reaches the New World.

After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island, believing he has reached East Asia. His expedition went ashore the same day and claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain, who sponsored his attempt to find a western ocean route to China, India, and the fabled gold and spice islands of Asia.
Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. Little is known of his early life, but he worked as a seaman and then a maritime entrepreneur. He became obsessed with the possibility of pioneering a western sea route to Cathay (China), India, and the gold and spice islands of Asia. At the time, Europeans knew no direct sea route to southern Asia, and the route via Egypt and the Red Sea was closed to Europeans by the Ottoman Empire, as were many land routes. Contrary to popular legend, educated Europeans of Columbus' day did believe that the world was round, as argued by St. Isidore in the seventh century. However, Columbus, and most others, underestimated the world's size, calculating that East Asia must lie approximately where North America sits on the globe (they did not yet know that the Pacific Ocean existed).
With only the Atlantic Ocean, he thought, lying between Europe and the riches of the East Indies, Columbus met with King John II of Portugal and tried to persuade him to back his "Enterprise of the Indies," as he called his plan. He was rebuffed and went to Spain, where he was also rejected at least twice by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. However, after the Spanish conquest of the Moorish kingdom of Granada in January 1492, the Spanish monarchs, flush with victory, agreed to support his voyage.
On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, with three small ships, theSanta Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. On October 12, the expedition reached land, probably Watling Island in the Bahamas. Later that month, Columbus sighted Cuba, which he thought was mainland China, and in December the expedition landed on Hispaniola, which Columbus thought might be Japan. He established a small colony there with 39 of his men. The explorer returned to Spain with gold, spices, and "Indian" captives in March 1493 and was received with the highest honors by the Spanish court. He was the first European to explore the Americas since the Vikings set up colonies in Greenland and Newfoundland in the 10th century.
During his lifetime, Columbus led a total of four expeditions to the New World, discovering various Caribbean islands, the Gulf of Mexico, and the South and Central American mainlands, but he never accomplished his original goal—a western ocean route to the great cities of Asia. Columbus died in Spain in 1506 without realizing the great scope of what he did achieve: He had discovered for Europe the New World, whose riches over the next century would help make Spain the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth.

Never Make anyone "Very Special"

Never Make anyone "Very Special"

Never Make anyone "Very Special"

In ur Life....
When They "Change",

U Don't "Hate" Them,
Instead U Start "HatinG" Urself...
Top 10 Examples of How Indians Cheated the System

Top 10 Examples of How Indians Cheated the System

10. Flipkart’s Free Shipping Below Minimum Purchase

On Flipkart, Free Shipping is available only for products above Rs. 300. sOtherwise one has pay Rs 30 fordelivery charges. Now, one glitch with FlipKart that people found was that technically FlipKart never ships multiple products together. If one shopped a number of products of more than a total of Rs. 300, you were eligible to get free shipping, but products always arrived individually. Some people found a loophole in this concept. What they did was they ordered the necessary stuff that was below Rs. 300 and merged it with an unwanted order, so that the total amount in the cart exceeded Rs. 300. Now the thing to remember here was that the unwanted product should have been such that it would always be delivered after the 1st product arrived. So soon after the first product (below Rs. 300) is delivered, the second product was cancelled, so as to avail a free shipping for anything below Rs. 300. I am not entirely sure if this still works, but it used to a couple of years ago.

9. Patym Cheat

In 2013, when Paytm was launched in India, they offered free coupons on recharge of mobile phones online through credit cards at no extra charges. People eventually found out that even on a minimum recharge of Rs. 5 or Rs. 10, they received coupons of Rs 200 for online megastores such as Jabong, Myntra, Yebhi, Naaptol, etc. People started using this loophole to maximum and even went on to use this trick in combination with others they found later until the idea of coupons with recharge was dropped by Paytm.

8. E-Bay’s Free Coupons

Ebay Coupons
In the early days of e-commerce in India, around 2009, E-Bay used to give coupons of Rs. 250 to everyone who created a new account, so one could buy anything on E-Bay that amounted less than Rs. 250 for free. Many people from around India made hundreds of mail ids and ordered stuff varying from notebooks to soaps and shampoo (mostly college students). They even went on to improve their modus operandi by buying personal domains and using Google apps to make unlimited number of mail ids. Soon e-Bay realized that people were gaming the system and got the ‘Minimum Purchase’ condition in the checkout.

7. Air India’s Free Ticket

Air India
Air India in 2011 offered Companion Free Scheme. As per the scheme, passengers buying first class or business class tickets or full fare economy class tickets were entitled to have one free ticket for their companion. But the airline’s Vigilance Department discovered serious irregularities and misuse of CFS while scrutinizing the data between October 2011 to April 2012 for tickets issued at Delhi Airport. What they found was that the main tickets were cancelled after issuance or use of CFS tickets, so many people had travelled across India for free.

6. Dhirubhai Ambani’s Silver Cheat

Dhirubhai Ambani
Early in the 1950s, officials in the treasury of the Arabian kingdom of Yemen noticed something unusual happening to their country’s currency. The main unit of money, a solid silver coin called the Rial, was disappearing from their circulation. They traced the disappearing coins south to the trading port of Aden, which was a British colony and military bastion commanding the entrance to the Red Sea and southern approaches to the Suez Canal. Inquiries found that an Indian clerk named Dhirubhai Ambani, who was then barely into his 20s had an open order out in the marketplace of Aden for as many Rials as they were available. Ambani had noted that the value of the Rial’s silver content was higher than its exchange value against the British pound and other foreign currencies. So he set on his journey to begin buying Rials as much as he could get his hands on, melt them down and sell the silver ingots to bullion dealers in London. ‘The margins were small, but it was money for jam,’ Dhirubhai later reminisced. After three months he was stopped, but he made a few lakhs of rupees at that time.



Life is a compromise between your feelings and reality.

At every stage you have to quit ur feelings & accept the reality..

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